And the way Nina acts towards him once they meet has overtones of a woman rejecting a child she conceived against her will. Does This Remind You of Anything?: While Steve was not conceived by Nina directly, she still had her egg cells removed without her knowledge or consent.Disappeared Dad: Unlike his mother Nina, his father's identity remains unknown.He's also extremely fast, a tricky fighter to come up against, and his high-speed attacks have great priority. They also change what punching attacks each tap of the kick button will permit you to do so you have an answer for any situation. Difficult, but Awesome: Steve's kick buttons are only used for dodging and weaving (meaning you can evade enemy strikes consistently but only if you're catching onto how your opponent is attacking).While the experiment was deemed a failure, whatever they did to him seems to have given him above-average strength, speed and intelligence, on top of his good genes from Nina, making him a true force to be reckoned with in the ring. Steve has painful flashbacks and muscle spasms thanks to the experiments they performed on him as a child. Designer Babies: Steve was created as part of a Mishima Zaibatsu genetic engineering project to create Devil Gene-enhanced super soldiers, with his mother, Nina, being inseminated while in suspended animation.Death Faked for You: Between Steve and Leo's endings in TTT2, it's strongly implied that Emma Kliesen, after being admonished by her superiors, duped the Mishima Zaibatsu into thinking NT01 had died under experimental strain, while actually having him sent to an orphanage in the United Kingdom.Thanks to Emma Kliesen falsely declaring him dead, and smuggling him out of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Steve is the only known survivor from said program. Dark and Troubled Past: He was created by the Mishima Zaibatsu through in-vitro breeding using egg cells from Nina as part of a testing program to create a Super Soldier using the Devil Gene.Nevertheless, Steve keeps the illegal moves to a minimum (which is more than can be said about boxers in most other fighting games), showing that he is an honorable fighter who wants to represent the sport of boxing as well as he can. He also has a few other illegal moves in boxing, such as elbow and shoulder attacks. Since the King of Iron Fist tournaments don't have a rule against using kicks, everything is fine for Steve however. Combat Pragmatist: He's a boxer, but that doesn't stop him from using a few kick attacks in his repertoire, which would be illegal in a real boxing match.It helps that Steve's basic jabs are several frames faster than most of the other characters', making spamming a viable tactic even at higher levels of play. Button Mashing: A happy amateur can throw out many devastating combos just by playing with his left and right punches, enough to infuriate players with considerably more technical skill.Boxing Battler: Quickly worked his way up to become the World Middleweight Champion, and one of the strongest fighters in the business.Big Brother Mentor: The Live-Action Adaptation makes him one to Jin.Badass Bookworm: Mentioned to be a graduate of the venerable Oxford University in his Tekken 4 bio.His own mother was once among these assassins, but she decided to spare him. Assassin Outclassin': He's constantly fighting off hitmen sent by the mob, the Mishima Zaibatsu and many disgruntled boxing promoters, but his continued survival is down to more than just dumb luck.Despite being older than expected, Goss does have the blond, chiselled look required. Age Lift: In the live action he's portrayed by English former 80s singer Luke Goss as a veteran Tekken fighter connected to Jun Kazama.Adaptational Early Appearance: He appears in Bloodline, which is a retelling of Tekken 3, the game before Steve's debut.Achey Scars: Inflicted on him by Heihachi's scientists, the snaking scar going down Steve's left arm often gives him blinding flashes of pain and serves as a constant reminder of his troubled early life as a guinea pig in the Mishima Zaibatsu laboratory.Lack of easily accessible launcher moves means that he gets low reward out of punish opportunities, and instead has to constantly pressure opponents at very close range to make the most out of his kit. He is unique in that his Kick buttons are mainly used for dodging and weaving instead of attacking.

Steve is a character centered around quick punches, suited for either slowly chipping away at the opponent or landing in-your-face counter hits.