1.7K Followers 48 Videos Recommended for You shinnn. Fei Rune visits a certain someone in the hospital and makes his goodbye to her. Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stone Episode 35 14.8K ViewsRepost is prohibited without the creator's permission. Inazuma Eleven GO BR Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone 21 RAW. With the hanging score of 5-4 and a few minutes left, the whole Lagoon realize something important and share it with Saru, and now with more determination, for the last few minutes Matsukaze Tenma and Saryuu Evan battle it out! And finally after the match the two teams reconcile and everything seems well except for the sad goodbye's the Raimon have to give to Fei Rune, Clark Wonderbot, Zanark Avalonic, Nanobana Kinako and Torb. First Made Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stone Episode 35 NoSubRaw. Saryuu Evan retaliates by trying to stop it with his foot but fails. Inazuma Eleven Go: Chrono Stone is set after the Holy Road Soccer Tournament. King Arthur appeared for the first time with Entaku no Kishidan, who were the Raimon members.Chrono Storm now fiercely attacks, this time realizing the harmonies within and finally unlocking Saikyou Eleven Hadou. 649 Likes, TikTok video from legendaryl45 (legendaryl45): 'Replying to noelking057 ctto inazuma eleven go Chrono stone'.Then, Tenma woke up in the house of Sina they saw in a book about the era of King Arthur. While they are in the wormhole, there were problems.This is the first time that more than 11 players were chosen to travel.He is soon after approached by a mysterious person called Alpha who reveals himself to be a time traveler (from an organization in the future known as. Daisuke picked Tenma, Tsurugi, Shindou, Kirino, Taiyou, Shinsuke, Nishiki, Fei, Kinako, Torb, Kurama, Kageyama and Kariya to go to King Arthur's era. Inazuma Eleven Go: Chrono Stone BD Sub Indo : Episode 1 - 51 (End) - Nimegami apabila Video hitam dan Subtitle tidak muncul. Following the end of the Holy Road soccer tournament, Matsukaze Tenma returns to Raimon Junior High after a break, only to find out that all of his friends and teammates no longer play soccer, and the soccer club apparently doesn&039 t exist.Tenma compared himself to Shindou and Taiyou in terms of being captain and was worried if he truly fits as a captain.However, chaos ensues when they time travel, as something went wrong and now Tenma, Fei and Wonderbot are the only ones travelling, but when they arrived at King Arthur's castle, they are shocked to find Shindou and the others leading the Entaku no Kishidan. Afterwards, Fei questions Kinako again but doesn't get a straightforward response. Strangely, Kinako gets the artifact, which shocks everyone. Crossword Arno reappears to say that they need an artifact.

Then, they started talking about King Arthur and Dr. inazumaelevengochronostone, aoba, parody. After that, Endou Daisuke explains the 9th and 10th powers. Read Episode 35 (IEGO Chrono Stone) from the story Inazuma Eleven GO Parody by EinAr17 (EiN Ar) with 365 reads. It seems that the Second Stage Children are planning something, but for now, after the match against Perfect Cascade, the Raimon team returns to their timeline and practice. Jump to The Legend Music Opening Shoshin wo KEEP ON Ending Te wo Tsunagou Airing Japan Jump to The Legend (, Densetsu e no Janpu) is the 35th episode of the Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone series.